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++ lifE passEs by.... ++
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Kinesis KM-1 2006
Boys' Brigade; Sure and Steadfast 2000-2004
AMKSS 4/2 2004
Meridian JC 05S223 with Miss Gill
NDP 06 fireworks
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005

heyaz people! How has your JC life been so far? Have you people chosen a subject combination and PDp (cca)? Drop me a tag and tell me! I am sooo Kaypo....

Neways, i have Choir, guitar club and robotics in mind...i realli do bnot know what to join and the stupid 5 day week is not helping me much either. So can anyone help me out in my decisions? Alright, heres the low-down...
Choir: SYF and some school concert comin up, long hours, but lotsa PEARLS(some system) points. There would also be an overseas trip during the Mid-year.
Guitar Club: basically playing the guitar at some performances but no competition, i think the hours are kept short and the PEARLs points is rather meagre.
Robotics: C++ programming and messing around with Micro-chip boards. I heard from my friend that there are lotsa lessons, before the actual thing (which i think would bore me to death). there are some competitions which would not clash with the P.E (promo exams) as they have promised.

Yeaps... so i am now in a dilemma...i dont know mwhich CCAs to join and they are mostly on the same day, which makes things worse...Sigh!

YEah, and in JC, there are lots of stuff that your on your own. Like you have to check notice boards for announcements and find out stuff for yourself. homework is just passed to you and you choose weather you want to do it or not... simply a far-cry from Secondary life... i guess organising myself is very important...

Yeah...i need to adapt to the long hours too.... ;)

PhoeNix 9:24 AM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
++ Memories Consume ++

2 days at TJC??? one word... Nice....
A New Year, a New Beginning, a New Chapter in Life...
Be lesson on my Birthday
Roasting ChestNuTz on an opEn firE
Family? Yeah rite... MA ASS!
End of workweek 1
Impossible is Nothing
Tennis Day
It was fair, then it rained, and it was fair again...

++ Like Opening A Wound ++

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007

++ I'm Picking Me Apart Again ++

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard! dingdong
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