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>>>>> This Is Me <<<<<<
++ lifE passEs by.... ++
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Kinesis KM-1 2006
Boys' Brigade; Sure and Steadfast 2000-2004
AMKSS 4/2 2004
Meridian JC 05S223 with Miss Gill
NDP 06 fireworks
Random =P
Saturday, December 18, 2004

Heayz! I am back to the bloggin world!! Well, sorry for that absence of one week. Working is no joke especially when you have to wake up at 6 and reach home at 8.30. . Rotating between the office doing faxes and to the warehouse, separating metals was tiring

Well, I learnt a lot at the workplace, like manoeuvring the forklift and lifting things, treating a badly bleeding cut with ash or tobacco and using a blowtorch. The night scene of Jurong at night is really amazing; all the refineries being lit up by white and orange lights coupled with flames burning off waste gases never failed to amaze me.

Office relations are also very important. When one becomes enemies with another, it would eventually affect the operations of the whole company. Made a few friends too. The truck cum tractor cum forklift instructor, Ash/Ken (who is 23 years old and looking for a girlfriend) and a I-know-everything-except-computers-and-MRT man, Terry, and the oh-so-2-headed-snake Mr Ho and last but no least, the Malaysian Secretary, Mandy. Though my pay was rather meagre, which was kindly raised by Zhen Yan’s father from $18 to $25 (phew!), the people there made my working hours there short and enjoyable and before I knew it, the day was over.

However, what I disliked were the swarms of mosquitoes that treated us like reservoirs. I would get at least 8 new bite marks everyday, and it’s no wonder why I would feel so lethargic at the end of everyday. (and by the end of the week, I developed a sore throat due to the exhaust gases and the chemical fumes) After eating and having my bath (by which made the water brown), I would drop dead on my bed and sleep like a baby to the break of dawn. I just received my pay yesterday and I felt a sense of achievement; my hard work had paid off. Well, now, I just have to treat my sore throat and prepare my self for next week, at Toyotron, 49 Shipyard Road.

Have a nice day people and have a great week ahead! Cheerio!

PhoeNix 9:56 AM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
++ Memories Consume ++

Impossible is Nothing
Tennis Day
It was fair, then it rained, and it was fair again...
Gd day Mate!
Hello! Bloggin World!

++ Like Opening A Wound ++

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007

++ I'm Picking Me Apart Again ++

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard! dingdong
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Joyce Yip
Liang Hock
Jo Lynn
Shu Min
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Vic and Friends
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Grace Loi
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