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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Well, heres a very good morning to all of you readers! Beautiful morning I must say. The Sun, the cool breeze, what more can i ask for?

Last night was a scAry night. My dad, came back from work, real late. (As usual) and my mum was real mad at him; thus they began quarreling. Of course, one would’nt like to be shouted at after a day’s work, and so, CAUSE: He Threw Something. EFFECT 1 : He Broke something EFFECT 2: Made my mum even madder. Sigh, its been like this for over 2 years. Why? I do not know. He works 12 hours a day…(at least) and yet he does not bring home the bread! I remember once, I asked him to help me get something. When he passes it to me, guess what, he told me to return him the money! I mean, isn’t he my father? What’s this talk about me owing you wadeva? I have been drifting away from him both physically & spiritually. Imagine seeing your father for less than 2 hours EVERY WEEK. Painful, but well, I have been used to the Pain…..When will this pain ever stop? I do not know. I Do not have a happy family. That’s that and I am resigned to it.

But, I have vowed to myself that, when I start a family, nothing of that sort of Shit would be replayed, repeated. Nothing.

PhoeNix 10:08 AM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
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