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>>>>> This Is Me <<<<<<
++ lifE passEs by.... ++
Current interests ;)
Kinesis KM-1 2006
Boys' Brigade; Sure and Steadfast 2000-2004
AMKSS 4/2 2004
Meridian JC 05S223 with Miss Gill
NDP 06 fireworks
Random =P
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Well, this is my very first Blog. Now lemme first welcome myself to the world of Bloggin. Well, i know, i know, its kinda late, but, better late than never right? i gotta thank Jessie for introducing me here and helping me along. So heres a big THANK YOU to Jessie!

Golly, its been a cold 2 days here. Well, at least i do nt need to sweat my brains out under the searing heat! This weather (is that how you spell it? coz itill now i still have no idea how to differenciate between the 2 'weathers'...) kinda reminds me of Australia! yes! hahaz.

Lemme tell you more bout my self, I like the Dark yellow, love cycling and tennis as a sport, erm i eat anything, (other than whast is inedible and would cause death when eaten), love cars especially the AMG range of Mercedes Cars. Well more bout myself tommorow!

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas!

PhoeNix 6:02 PM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
++ Memories Consume ++

++ Like Opening A Wound ++

December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
January 2007
February 2007

++ I'm Picking Me Apart Again ++

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard! dingdong
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Liang Hock
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