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AMKSS 4/2 2004
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NDP 06 fireworks
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Sunday, December 12, 2004

Today, my Mum and I went window shopping at Orchard. Before we started , we had our lunch. After lunch i bought a drink. (those in a plastic cup with ice and all) obviously after drinking my drink, leaving the ice, i threw the cup away, in a bin, near the FoodCourt. I then observed something very appalling. there was this old chap by the bin, foraging it. At first, I though he was one of those 'can pickers'; but i was very wrong. He took a cigarette from the compartment of the pin and smoked it! He then took a cup from in the bin with some water (probably from the melted ice) and drank it!!! My stomach cringed and whatever i had eated almost shot out of my mouth... it was totally gross! That for one, spoilt my day.

I learnt something today too...never visit Orchard Road during the December Season... being relatively TALL (thankiew) it was like i was standing in a sea of bobbing heads. I was like walking at less than 1 km per hour. needless to say, Centrepoint and John Little were no better. Ever wondered... why do Robinsons and John Little always have GREAT SALEs? To me Great sales must only occur once or twice a year. But from my memory, i believe these 2 departmental stores have sales almost 4 -6 times a year!!!

Well, never the less, my mum and i sniffed out a few great bargains. For example, Adidas is having a 30% sale on most of its items and so is Hush Puppies...Harvey Norman At centre point are selling their electronics cheap (due to some renovation sale) so all you people out there, head on to centre point for some great deals! (and nope, no one paid me to advertise ;))

After 4 hours of squeezing and pushing, we decided to head home. In the MRT station, i saw this old lady, probably in her 60s, with a full head of white curley hair cleaning the staircase and my mind shot back to the old man at the food court(who is probably a few years younger than this old lady). I wondered, he has hands and legs, why not work and eat decent stuff? Working as a cleaner or distributing pamphlets is still better than degrading himself by foraging for food in a bin! Should'nt he at least try?

As the Adidas Advertisement states <<Impossible is Nothing>>...what do you ppl think?

PhoeNix 5:14 PM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
++ Memories Consume ++

Tennis Day
It was fair, then it rained, and it was fair again...
Gd day Mate!
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++ I'm Picking Me Apart Again ++

I made a Quiz for you! Take my Quiz! and then Check out the Scoreboard! dingdong
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