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AMKSS 4/2 2004
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Farewell TJC

As the posting results have turned out to be, I am not destined to continue my education in Temasek Jc (TJC). Meridian merdian here I come, to show what TJC has made me become....
It was, a great sch, as I have been rambling bout it since the day I joined it. The people, the culture, the liveliness are second to none...I kinda guessed that I would not be able to enter, cos the partial 7 rumours were spreading like wild fire. And now, here i stand in MJC...A new surrounding for me to see. I dont really like it here, but guess i have to hold back my tears. Is god playing a cruel trick on me? or is he just trying to expose me; to the harsh realities of this world, and the pain that one would have to endure. the rejection of something you hold so dear.....
Now I guess life has to go on, no point crying forever more. TJC, I would prove to you, that rejecting me was a big boo boo...
Lessons I have learnt, and advice i wanna giveto the younger generations...

Study Higher chinese>>schools seem to give piority to HCL people

Join a sport or SYF CCA but dont join TJ CHOIR!!!! Schools place high emphasis on these CCAs

Joining a uniform group in SEC sch might sound good, but, it wont help you for long, esp for gals.

Make the right choices from the beginning, dont be too greedy and choose too good a school and underestimate urself a wee helps...

I would update this list, until the orientation period is over....

For now, to my TJC friends....Good bye...all of you, would always remain in my my best friends...
Good luck

PhoeNix 6:27 PM

PhOeNix | <$BlogItemDateTime$> |
++ Memories Consume ++

A nEw Element In the Perodic Table fouNd!
OH Yeah...i almost forgot....
I am Back.....
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A streZed up mE...
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++ Like Opening A Wound ++

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++ I'm Picking Me Apart Again ++

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